Stephanie Mercredi
SAIT (Custom Travel Solutions), Calgary
“Stephanie over the last decade has taught thousands of future travel agents at the SAIT Travel and Tourism class. Stephanie is the instructor at Canada’s only student-run travel agency, Destinations, which is a part of Custom Travel Solutions. Stephanie loves her students and her passion for travel is passed on through her teaching. Her compassion and laid-back nature make her a favourite instructor as well as helping travellers in need.”
Joel Danyluk
Alberta & the Prairies Sales & Business Development Manager, Contiki Canada

Meet Stephanie Mercredi
Tell us a little bit about yourself, how long you’ve been in the industry and what made you want to become a travel agent?
I went on a high school trip to Europe in 1987 and that is what got me thinking about becoming a travel agent. I was also interested in fashion so actually enrolled in the Fashion Merchandising Program at Olds College. Turns out that I was still more intrigued by travel so I went to travel school after and I graduated from the Grant MacEwan Travel Program in 1995. I have been in the travel industry for 25 years! After almost 17 years of working in the travel industry in different capacities, I am now an instructor in the Travel and Tourism Program at SAIT in Calgary.
What’s your favourite part of the job?
My classroom is a live travel agency that the 2nd year Travel and Tourism students help to run. It gives them the opportunity to put what they have and are currently learning in the program, to use, actually helping clients. I have to say my favourite part would be seeing one of my students get excited about helping someone book a part of a big trip that they’ve helped to plan. Some of our students are far more well-travelled than me and they often have all sorts of advice to give clients about any number of destinations!
How has travel impacted your own life?
Totally cliché. I have had the opportunity to visit some of the most amazing places on Earth and that just makes me want to see more of them. The more I travel, the more I want to travel.
How are you coping in this crazy COVID-19 world? What are you focusing on right now?
While this has been unimaginable, it’s pretty amazing how everyone is coming together to get through this, it’s inspiring actually. I am 100% ready to get out of my house and actually get to interact with my friends and family though!
We were told on March 16th that we were moving to online classes on March 19th and we did it, with very few issues. Right now, we are working to help the students complete their classes and the semester so they can eventually start their careers in the travel industry. For me personally, I can not wait to travel again. I have a few trips that are planned and still on, frankly we are waiting on pins and needles to see if they have to be cancelled. They are milestone trips for friends and family and it will be disappointing if we can’t go.
Prior to all this, what were some of the big trends you were noticing in travel or that your clients were looking for from a getaway?
Many of our clients are SAIT students. Every year we notice a bit of a trend in destinations, this school year we seemed to have a lot of requests for India and Japan. Other years we’ve had Iceland, Croatia, and Japan (for a few years now). We always have Europe and Asia, of course.
Have you had any interesting or strange requests from clients?
Honestly, nothing jumps out. Some rude people, but that’s in every industry.
How many countries have you been to and where would you like to go next when we can travel again?
I have been to 14 countries, not a whole lot really. I have been to Greece twice and I want to go back, I will go back. I’d really, really like to go to Bali. Like, a lot.
What’s a big misconception people have about travel agents?
That they are a dying breed. I think that people are realizing that there are definitely times that using a travel agent is the best way to go. If you want to book a flight to Toronto, go ahead and book that yourself online, but if you want to plan a trip through Southeast Asia, maybe speak with a travel agent who has either been themselves or at the very least booked it before. They will know the ins and outs of who to book with and where to stay and eat and all that good stuff!