Elaine Pepper

Issue Date - April 27, 2023 / Profiles - April 27, 2023 / April 25, 2023

Elaine Pepper
April 25, 2023

Tell us a little about yourself and how long you’ve been in the industry?
In 1972 I enrolled at Humber College Travel and Tourism. Back in those days, everything was hand written and we did airline tickets by looking up the information on the OAG (official airline guide) then calling the airline to book the seat, then hand wrote the ticket. After a few months, l was able to get a part-time job at Eatons Travel Yorkdale while in school. By the end of the year, l decided to find full time work and went to Loyal travel to help set up a new agency. Then onto a life in Cobourg, Ont. when l got married. Back to Toronto in 2004 and working at YYZ Travel Group in Thornhill. Now, 50 years later, still going strong.
Why and how did you decide to become a travel advisor?
As a teen, l dreamed of travel, wanted to see the world and even started saving for a world cruise! Travel and Tourism just fit.
What’s your favourite part of being a travel agent?
There is nothing that thrills me more than clients loving their vacation and wanting to discuss them when they return. I am very involved now in booking groups and l travel with them, making sure everything is perfect and mixing with my clients so they know not only do l care but l love what l do. Over the years, l have found that finding great clients, that become friends, also become my Pied Pipers and have helped my business grow. I also, after 50 years, decided to just focus on cruises as it’s my love and I am a MCC through CLIA and just finishing off my ECC.
Do you believe more people are using travel advisors since the pandemic? Why or why not?
I do believe clients are moving more to agents due to the choices out there and the confusion of what is included and how to get the best value of their vacation.
Can you share a special travel memory and what travel means to you?
Last spring l had a large group on Celebrity Apex doing a Transatlantic cruise, four of my clients made up t-shirts with my name and toll free number, also the agencies name, well, people sitting at the bar saw them walk in with these bright yellow shirts and everyone laughed, l cried as this was a group l had lifted and shifted over the two years and never even met these people in person yet. Well, l have had calls from people that took the picture of the t-shirt and asked me if l would take over bookings they did on the ship and now they are sending me clients that they are meeting on their cruises. This truly warmed my heart and let me know l was respected and appreciated by my new and old clientele.

What’s still on your travel must see list?

My bucket list has a few places l am excited to see, so l put a group together with my work partner, for Fiji April 2024 and having excellent responses, so l get to go with and see places I have dreamed about. Galapagos is next on my list.
In hindsight, what do you know now that you wish you knew when you were first starting out?
In hindsight, l believe l should have specialized in cruising earlier but even now, every experience, every booking, and every trip has helped me grow into a cruise specialist with experience to share with clients.
Where do you stand on charging fees?
I am so old school, work evenings and weekends as sometimes sales on the weekend can be gone by Monday so l will book and hold to see prices in a few days, many times the rate had gone up and clients benefited from my fast actions. After 50 years in the business, l am having a hard time charging a fee but l have also been quick to “divorce” clients that waste my time with research and not booking. My clients appreciate my dedication to them and rarely waste my time.
What’s the nicest thing a client has ever done for you?
The nicest thing a client has ever done for me was the t-shirts, not only did it tell me they loved my service but wanted me to get more clients from them. I have since printed up t-shirts to hand out on my group cruises, clients can use as bathing suit cover ups or to the gym. I have had mothers day on ships and clients bringing me cards and chocolates, which l did appreciate but the t-shirts will always be at the top of the list
Do you have anything to add?
As l am turning 68 this year, l reflect back on the years in the business and how it’s changed, but one thing has never changed is my love for cruising and having so many opportunities to take groups with me. Thinking back to the early years at 17, l would have never imagined how busy l would be at 67. I am still putting groups together for 2025 so it looks like l will be around in travel for many more years.

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