Chantal Fader

Issue Date - April 27, 2023 / Profiles - April 27, 2023 / April 24, 2023

Chantal Fader
April 24, 2023

Tell us a little about yourself and how long you’ve been in the industry?
I’ve been in the travel industry since 2011. Travelling has always been a huge part of my life. For me, there is more value in experiencing a culture firsthand rather than seeing it on TV or reading about it in a book. I am a proud mother of two beautiful daughters. They love traveling just as much as I do. My husband is the most supportive person I know. I enjoy discovering new destinations with him. I have the coolest job in the world!
Why and how did you decide to become a travel advisor?
I am a travel advisor, but also a high school teacher. Before becoming a travel agent, I would spend a lot of time planning my own trips because I wanted them to be nothing less than perfect (and they always were). I would document and share my adventures, which led to many of my friends and acquaintances contacting me to help plan their dream vacation. My passion for travel made me spend countless hours helping and I enjoyed every single minute of it. One day, my husband suggested that I should take a course so that I could keep doing what I love and get a revenue for it without adding any additional cost to the “clients” I already had. I thought that was genius and so the research began. In 2011 I took a course and found a host agency. I have been growing my business since then. I serve clients across Canada and the United States. To this day, I am still very passionate about what I do.
What’s your favourite part of being a travel agent?
I truly love everything about my job. However, if I had to choose one, I would have to go with seeing my clients happy and satisfied with the planning I’ve been doing for them. Receiving a text message, an email or a phone call thanking me for a perfect vacation is my favourite part of being a travel agent. There is no better reward than exceeding their expectations.
What’s the main thing that’s changed about your clients or the travel industry since the pandemic?
The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the travel industry significantly. With restrictions being eased and clients traveling again, I don’t need to convince my clients that proper insurance is key.
Do you believe more people are using travel advisors since the pandemic? Why or why not?

My client portfolio has grown since the pandemic. Many travellers have found the ever-changing travel restrictions, health and safety protocol to be confusing and at times overwhelming. A travel advisor will not only provide information that will help the client plan their trip in confidence but also provide personalized recommendations for destinations and accommodations that meet traveller’s needs and preferences. Once the client realizes the knowledge that a travel advisor can provide at no additional cost, they don’t see the value in doing it themselves on an internet platform. 

Can you share a special travel memory and what travel means to you?

For me, travel is a way to build my comprehension of the world. It means exploring new cultures and trying new foods. It also means seeking adventures and exploring the outdoors. It’s also a way to unwind. My favourite thing about traveling is the opportunity it gives me to learn and grow, to meet new people and how it broadens my perspective of the world. 

I will cherish all my travel memories. It is very hard to pick just one! One of my favourite animals is an elephant. I remember in 2015 while in Chiang Mai, Thailand I had the opportunity to spend a full day at an ethical elephant sanctuary. When I think about it, I can still feel the joy and excitement I had interacting and taking care of them. There was a baby elephant. He was so funny. He kept reaching in my pockets for bananas, but he wouldn’t eat the peels. He would use his trunk to give me the banana. I would remove the peel and then gently offer it to him. He kept following me everywhere as if he thought I was his mother. 

What’s still on your travel must see list?

India is still on my bucket list. I always felt the need to visit their rich cultural heritage and taste their delicious authentic cuisine. However, I believe it’s the spiritual and wellness experiences that India is known for that draws me to it. 

In hindsight, what do you know now that you wish you knew when you were first starting out?

Starting out as a travel advisor can be exciting but overwhelming at the same time. You should invest some time in learning marketing techniques. This will allow you to promote trips that will generate interest. 

Where do you stand on charging fees?
I currently do not charge fees. My portfolio consists mainly of loyal customers and referrals. I know that when asked to do research or put together an itinerary, they will book. I do, however, in some very rare instances ask for a deposit that will later be applied towards their booking.
What’s the nicest thing a client has ever done for you?

Once, I had a client come to my house to deliver a nice bottle of wine and a handwritten note to express their gratitude for my work and dedication. Although I appreciated this gesture, a referral remains the highest honour I can receive. My business was built on referrals and keeps growing on them. 

Do you have anything to add?
Using a travel agent is like a great bottle of wine. You may never know all the love and attention that went into creating the trip, but you’ll taste it.

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