INDUSTRY INTERVIEW: Nino Montagnese, Vice President, Air Canada Vacations
By Ann Ruppenstein /  October 24, 2024

Air Canada Vacations’ VP on how he got over his fear of public speaking, the value of agents, travel highlights and more

Tell us about yourself and how long you’ve been in the travel industry?

When I finished my schooling in business at Seneca, I immediately began my search for a job. I’m a prime example of someone who took the Yellow Pages (for those of you who know what they were) and went from letter to letter, back in those days, asking for a fax number to send my resume.

I ended up with an interview for a finance department opportunity for a tour operator. I never would have expected to find a job in the travel industry. It was in the accounts receivable department. That was my beginning, and it was over 33 years ago, now. I don’t ever and will never forget how I started in this industry, that is key to me, for being able to grow.

What’s your favourite part of the job? 

The people and the ability to collaborate at all levels while maintaining an open-door policy, that’s my favourite part. The people in our industry are really what keeps me here and going.

Whether it’s our travel consultant partners, our supplier partners or my amazing peers at Air Canada Vacations, Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge. 

What industry can you work in and be able to say you know someone across Canada, across the United States and around the Globe… not many. I feel blessed to be a part of this industry.  

What Air Canada Vacations destination is next on your dream travel list? What’s been your most memorable travel experience with ACV to date?  

I have many experiences and bucket list vacations I want to take. The best part is we offer every single one of them. One of my most memorable trips to date on a personal level would have to be my most recent trip to Japan. We did an eight-night tour and it was phenomenal from start to finish. The deer in Nara were fantastic, just wandering around with all of us. And spectacular Mount Fuji. Just really sharing magical moments with good friends. Another memorable trip was with my parents to Hawaii… I love being away with my family. Do we have stories to tell from that trip!

What’s something that not a lot of people know about you? 

Public speaking was one of my worst nightmares. In fact, while in elementary school I played sick on public speaking days. That all got fixed after taking an Anthony Robbins course many years ago.

When I first became a sales rep covering Metro East (Toronto), two weeks on the job I had product launches, and I had to speak in public for the first time. I practiced at home in front of my parents. My dad said to me, “Nino, my legs are shaking for you.” I know where my fear came from.  

Also, working out is a part of my daily routine. Early mornings, my brain is most active and so are my muscles.

What’s your top piece of advice about travel or travelling?

Travel with an open mind and embrace the culture. Always be aware of your surroundings. Do not do anything anywhere that you wouldn’t do at home. Travel is so wonderful; the world is BIG. See as much as you can. Try to visit a new destination each year. 


What advice do you have for travel advisors right now?

Do not undervalue your experiences. This is a career and one that we all take seriously. Without you, our world would be a much smaller place. Take advantage of all the training we offer to better understand the new products and technology.

What trends are you noticing based on agent bookings or Canadian demand? 

Customers are spending more and travelling for longer periods. They are upgrading in-flight and in resort. Don’t always assume it’s about the lowest price.  Show the customer the value they are receiving for the money they are paying.  

Hotels today are connected to our systems offering live inventory and live pricing, this has many benefits, but it also comes with a change in behaviours. Book when the product is available, or something could very well change.

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