Get to know CAA Atlantic’s Delores Frederiksen
By Ian Stalker /  October 17, 2024

Q&A with Delores Frederiksen, CAA Atlantic

Tell us a little about yourself and why you decided to become a travel advisor?

I always enjoyed learning about the world and world events. In grade 12 my real inspiration came from my geography teacher who brought the world to our classroom. He would share his experience with travel, the different cultures and the geography of the world made me realize that I wanted to explore the world. Becoming a travel advisor allowed me to do this while living vicariously though my clients.

What do you specialize in?

Leisure travel is mostly what I am currently booking. I am finding that a lot of clients are wanting to go beyond the typical. South America has been very popular this year.

What do you wish everybody knew about travel advisors?

We wish we knew everything about everywhere, but we do not. Being in this industry allows us to find this information and with certainty. Don’t be afraid to use your resources.

What’s your favourite part of the job?

Being able to reunite families and living vicariously through my clients’ adventures. I love that we are in an industry that is so exciting and majority of the time with leisure travel, it is a positive reason to book.  During covid this positivity was challenged, having clients in tears that they could not spend Christmas with her grand babies was gut wrenching. Once we were able to freely move around again, it was an incredible feeling to know that families were reunited, and people were living their dreams of travel.  What a rollercoaster the last four years have been in the industry.

What destinations and types of trips are you booking right now?

The revenge travel mindset is here and has been for the last year. Unique destinations are becoming more prevalent for inquiries, and I am finding people are wanting to travel for longer. 

What do you do to grow your clientele?

Making it known that we are industry, promoting on social media and asking clients for referrals will help build that clientele. Patience during this process is a must and keep the faith that if you maintain your service levels, that book of business will increase.

What’s your best piece of advice for new agents?

We are in an industry of sales, but don’t loose the passion of knowledge and consultation with our clients. Educate your clients, provide a service that will leave them wanting to come back for more and not find the information online. Make yourself unique.

Do you have anything to add?

Become more comfortable with valuing your time. Charge service and research fees.

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